Cincinnati, OH—Gospel Trip, Update 1
A burden for the trainees here is that we would strengthen the saints through fellowship and visitation. Over the past three days, the trainees have been splitting up and entering into the daily lives of the saints in all kinds of ways, from cheering on a couple’s son at his elementary school basketball game to attending a rock-climbing lesson at a brother’s attic. Please pray that the trainees would continue to be an encouragement and supply to the saints in such normal ways for the strengthening of the Lord’s testimony in Cincinnati.
Today was our first day entering into the campus labor at the University of Cincinnati. We distributed 125 flyers and contacted 29 students for the Wednesday on-campus Bible study. With fewer saints and no full-time team, the saints in Cincinnati are less burdened for gaining additional contacts and more burdened that the trainees would participate in caring for existing contacts. May the Lord open the way for us to be effectively integrated into the existing labor of the saints on this campus!