Orlando, FL—Gospel Trip, Update 4
Below are the report and statistics of the gospel trip in Orlando, Florida from Thursday (1/30/20) through Sunday (2/2/20).
Thursday (1/30/20)
As a team, we drove to Kissimmee, which is about an hour’s drive from Orlando, to blend with the saints and table at Valencia South-Osceola. About 10 local saints from Kissimmee and Orlando joined our morning coordination and helped distribute Bibles, hold up signs, and speak with the students. Unexpectedly, a student we met on Monday at Seminole State decided to join our coordination and help the team with our Bible distribution. The turn-out was very positive with students coming to the table the entire time. Three students prayed to receive the Lord, with one being a Muslim who was interested in hearing about Jesus in the Bible. During our time there we brought a ukulele and guitar to sing. Many students were attracted by the singing and approached us voluntarily.
- Tracts: 66
- Bibles: 95
- Basic Elements of the Christian Life: 81
- Contacts: 91
- Came to Home Meeting: 1
- Received the Lord: 3
Prayer Burdens:
- Two out of the 12 trainees on our team have been sick for the past few days and have been unable to participate in the schedule. Pray that the Lord would grant them a quick recovery to be able to have them back with us.
- Forty to sixty saints in Kissimmee are currently meeting in a home on the Lord’s Day as the south district of the church in Orlando. The church in Orlando meeting hall is about an hour away, so they are burdened that the Lord would continue to move and provide a way for them to have a local meeting hall as the church in Kissimmee.
- Valencia South-Osceola campus is very open to the gospel and the Recovery Version. Pray for consistent follow-up with these students and that they could be connected to the local saints.