Pittsburgh, PA—Gospel Trip, Update 1
Days 1 & 2 (January 25-26th)
The trainees and local saints in the Greater Pittsburgh area got together for a time of blending after the trainees arrived yesterday evening. The time consisted of a love feast, a brief round of introductions, prayer, and singing.
This morning, the church in Pittsburgh met in a classroom on the Carnegie Mellon campus, and approximately 50 were present in the Lord’s Table meeting. We continued our time of blending, after the meeting, with another love feast and a brief tour of both the Carnegie Mellon and the University of Pittsburgh campuses. We ended the day by having dinner with the local saints.
Prayer Burdens:
- The health of the trainees as some on the trip are ill.
- Tabling on both campuses (Monday to Friday) that will culminate in a Bible seminar (Saturday).