Cincinnati, OH—Gospel Trip, Update 2
We are continuing to enter into the homes and the campus labor in Cincinnati. Every night, the trainees have split into twos and threes to attend home meetings at the homes of different families. A number of newer students have been joining these times. It is encouraging to see these ones enter into the homes, as the homes are key to the growth in life of the students contacted here. Please pray for the continued strengthening of the homes in Cincinnati.
Some trainees also had the opportunity to present a brief message at the weekly on-campus Bible study. There were a few new students who came because of our GTCA flyers! This was a valuable opportunity for us to see how the saints here have adapted the style of the Bible studies to best care for the wide variety of students in attendance. A critical challenge facing the saints here is how to best labor given their very limited resources. Adapting the Bible study to suit the needs and conditions of the students has been a key strategy in addressing this issue. Please pray for the Lord’s continued leading in how to most prudently labor on this campus and that He would bring in more saints and a full-time team according to His timing.