Pittsburgh, PA—Gospel Trip, Update 3
29-30 January 2020
Our statistics over the last two days:
Tracts: 1,671
Bibles: 119
Contacted: 102
Prayed to receive the Lord: 1
Second Appointments: 2
On Wednesday evening, the trainees, host families, and some students from CMU all went to a brother’s home to make dumplings. There was wonderful conversation and much blending as each one was learning to fold dumplings, causing the team to really function together in order to get 500 dumplings made and cooked in one hour.
On Thursday the CMU team had two appointments with students previously in contact with the saints in Pittsburgh to strengthen and further establish them with the club. Both times went well and the teams are hoping to see the contacts at the Friday Bible study and Saturday Bible seminar. That evening the trainees were split up for dinner to blend with more local saints; with the brothers going with their hosting families to a sister’s restaurant and the sisters being paired up to go to two sisters’ homes. Because of this, the trainees got to know each saint in a more personal way and enjoyed praying together for each one’s going on.
Please pray for the following matters:
- Pray for the Lord to release students that are available for second appointments, Bible studies, and/or the Bible seminar on Saturday.
- Pray for the health of the team.
- Pray that the two students, whom we had appointments with, would make it to the upcoming events and would be more established in the church.