Pittsburgh, PA—Gospel Trip, Update 7
February 6
In the morning, trainees and the local saints met for coordination. We set a goal to have more conversations with students rather than to merely pass out tracts and Bibles. Then we went to West Virginia University where we tabled for three hours. Our main goal was to invite students to the dinner and Bible study that evening. Many students showed interest and signed up. One of the students whom we met the day before even stopped by the table to confirm the event for that night. The dinner and Bible study was held on campus, and some of the local saints joined. Eight students came and there were interactions between the students and the local saints. Three of the eight stayed for the Bible reading and fellowship time. We read a portion from John 1:19-51 and many, including the three new students who came, shared. The time was very sweet. Among the eight students who came, four students seemed to be promising regular students to come to future Bible studies.
February 7
We had our last day of tabling on campus and succeeded in handing out our set goal of Bibles. In the evening, there was a Bible study in the home of a local saint. One student came and enjoyed the time, even praying with the saints at the end of the time. Since there was already a connection made between the students and local saints, the trainees went to Barrackville instead to visit some saints there. We had dinner and heard of the history of the church in Morgantown. The saints were encouraged to have trainees over at their home and the trainees were encouraged by the saints going on in Morgantown. It was the sweet time of mutual encouragement.
- 1385 tracts
- 142 Bibles/Rhema sets
- 163 contacts
- 10 prayed
- 1 second appointment
Prayer Burdens:
- Pray for more blending among the saints in Morgantown, Barracksville, and Pittsburgh.
- Pray for the migration of saints to strengthen the church in Morgantown.
- Pray that the students who came would continue to come to the bible studies and be remaining fruits.