Jean Olson’s Update
We moved to Minneapolis at the end of July. We are almost all settled into our new house now, which seemed impossible back in March when the pandemic hit. It was not an easy move. So many nights both Dave and I struggled to fall asleep because of the weight of all the things we needed to do… Mostly, moving Sam in his last year of high school, selling and buying houses, packing up a five-bedroom house, looking for a new job for me, leaving the saints whom we love dearly, and feeling uncertain of how everything will turn out kept us anxious. This was all on our human and natural side.
In the midst of the pandemic, a thought about delaying our move for a year came up several times but through fellowship and prayer, Dave and I found peace in our spirit not to delay but to take the opportunity to heed to His calling for His current move. I appreciate the footnotes on Ephesians 5:16 “Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” Redeeming is seizing every favorable opportunity. This is to be wise in our walk. In this evil age, every day is an evil day full of pernicious things that cause our time to be used ineffectively, to be reduced and to be taken away. Therefore, we must walk wisely that we may redeem the time, seizing every available opportunity in all the small and in life-altering opportunities.
Still at times, I felt scared and discouraged but prayer times with many sisters strengthened me. I really sensed that it was not just us moving but saints were sending us in the oneness of the Body. I felt privileged to be sent and carried by the supporting prayer and having the deep peace inside, I enjoyed the grace of God. I realized some of these experiences are not just for me; they are for the building up of His Body.
At the recent Labor Day Conference, a brother shared that we received so much life supply from this ministry; we cannot be half Christians who come but do not go. If we are coming & going Christians, we will allow the Lord’s grace to flow freely in and thru us for His move!
We appreciate all your prayers for us so I want to update you on how the Lord has answered our prayers in the practical side in His loving tender care for us.
- Concerning Sam our youngest son, he is now in a Post-Secondary Education Option (PSEO) program at Minneapolis College earning dual credits for high school and college, which is not available in Wisconsin. This program will help Sam save time and first year college tuition. The new full-time serving brothers take good care of him and he is participating in the campus work.
- We were able to sell our house to our next-door neighbor so the process was much simpler. Our house in Minneapolis had multiple offers when we saw it but the Lord gave it to us for the church life here. All the finance for the loan/mortgage worked out. The house is very close to U of M with easy access to the campus by biking, walking and driving.
- I am still teaching part-time for Madison College since all the courses are online.
- We experienced the loving practical care by the saints here in Minneapolis, receiving us so warmly. We are getting to know the saints here. Because of Covid19, we are careful but we are still able to have saints in our home in small gatherings.
So dear saints, do not be afraid nor be passive, we love the Lord and want to be pleasing to Him! Open your being to Him and to His Body and learn to seize this opportunity to participate in the migration for the spread of His Recovery! What a privilege we can do this at this time!
“If we love the Lord and desire to live for Him and please Him, we will choose to migrate; this is the type of life that the Lord wants us to live, and this is also to please Him.” From the outline of Labor Day Weekend Blending Conference for the Churches in California, Message 4 VII A

From Jean Olson