Pittsburgh, PA—Gospel Trip, Update 6
February 5
In the morning the local saints and trainees met for coordination. During this time, we discussed new goals for the tabling at West Virginia University, where we ended up exceeding our goal of handing out Bibles. We noticed that there is more hunger here among the students compared to the campuses in Pittsburgh. Within 15 minutes after setting up the table, 36 Bibles had already been passed out to the students. The students are more responsive, open to receive the Lord, and willing to sign up for more information on the Bible study we’ll have tomorrow.
After the meeting to gather statistics and dinner, we attended the prayer meeting at a saint’s home, which is currently being remodeled to create more room for the saints to meet. We were able to blend and pray with more of the local saints during this time, even meeting the only student of the club. After prayers, some of the local saints shared their testimonies, which was watering and sweet.
February 4
Tuesday morning consisted of an early appointment, coordination, and traveling to campus for our final follow-up appointments with students from Carnegie Mellon and the University of Pittsburgh. Trainees that did not have appointments attended the University of Pittsburgh lunch and Bible study. There, we read a chapter in the book of Hebrews with students and local saints. After appointments, we regrouped to pack up the vehicles to head to Morgantown, West Virginia. The sisters settled and rested at their hospitality and the brothers visited West Virginia University before dinner. There, we had a sweet time of introductions and blending with the families and local saints.
- Tracts: 627
- Bibles/Rhema sets: 93
- Number of people contacted: 77
- Number of people who prayed to receive the Lord: 3
Prayer Burdens:
- Pray for the Lord to release the students to attend the bible study for Thursday night Bible study and that the weather will be favorable.
- Continual prayers for the health of the team.
- Pray that the 93 students who received Bibles would open to read the word and gain life
- Pray for more students to have the vision and the burden to rise up and assist the club
- Pray that the meeting hall expansion will allow more saints to grow and spread