
Brother Minoru Chen - 5/30/20
The Need for Full-timers
A central part of the burden for this fresh, intensified move of the Lord in North America is to form campus teams in some of the GTCA cities, each with an average of six full-timers and one player-coach.
The co-workers have selected the following cities to have a campus team: Columbia, SC; Columbus, OH; Tampa, FL; and St. Louis, MO.
The full-timers on these new teams will serve primarily on the college campuses in each city, and may help with the local young people's work as well.
“We need the full-timers for the spread of the Lord's recovery...The United States is a strong country because it has a strong military. The full-time trainees should be trained to be such a strong army for the Lord.”
—The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1986, vol. 3, “Elders’ Training, Book 9,” p. 32
Burdened to serve full-time?
We would encourage you to pray to seek the Lord's leading, and to fellowship with the leading brothers in your locality. Please also fill out this form to indicate your burden and help facilitate the fellowship of the brothers.
Ministry Excerpts
Download and read these ministry excerpts that highlight the importance of the United States in the Lord's move, and the crucial need for full-time serving ones.