St. Louis, MO
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The saints took the ground in St. Louis on May 18, 2003. On average, 62 saints meet on Lord’s Day with 13 children (including toddlers and infants) and 15 young people. Since the GTCA 2020-2021, the church in St. Louis has been endeavoring to build up a vital personal life and vital group life in truth and life. At the same time, the church is laboring with the children, the young people, and in particular, the college students since there are over 45,000 college students from the three major universities in St. Louis. The church is expecting to have a campus team in 2023 to gain the local college students. For the healthy testimony in St. Louis and the Lord’s further spread in Missouri, the church still needs more saints who are willing to be coordinated with other saints by living Christ to migrate to St. Louis.
Upcoming Virtual Tour
Time: Sept 24, 2022 5:00 PM CT / 3:00 PM PDT
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Meeting ID: 674 827 4731
Passcode: 67451
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Virtual Tours Schedule
Columbus, OH | 7/30/2022 | 4 PM ET |
Virginia Beach, VA | 8/13/2022 | 4 PM ET |
Omaha, NE | 8/13/2022 | 5 PM CT |
Normal, IL | 8/20/2022 | 4 PM CT |
Tampa, FL | 8/21/2022 | 5 PM ET |
Cincinnati, OH | 8/27/2022 | 5 PM ET |
Nashville, TN | 8/28/2022 | 5 PM CT |
St. Louis, MO | 9/17/2022 | 4 PM CT |
Memphis, TN | 9/24/2022 | 5 PM CT |